Monday, March 9, 2009

Young Designer Markets

On the weekend my friends and I did a stall at the Young Designers Markets. It was so much fun, our stall was very full and impressive if I do say so myself! This is our second try at it and we probably sold at least 70% of our stock, which is great. You have to keep the prices way down at the markets otherwise you don't sell a thing, but everyone has to start somewhere, establish a following and then build your prices up from there (That's my theory anyway!). It's such a great way to get your name out there and to get exposure, not to mention the joy of creating art with your friends. The floral paintings and the bird silhouettes are mine, the jewellery is Mariette's, and the beautiful bird drawings are Melanie's. I am putting my leftovers on my etsy shop so take a peek!

1 comment:

cathypentonatelier said...

Hey honey
Sounds like a great idea...!!! Your paintings are always amazing...I am hopeful of a lot of adventures for us ahead!!!! Am telling the owner Yes tomorrow!! I am sure you know what that means. Love Cathy xx